Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Day 3 - London

Hello Everyone!

Another successful day over here in London. Lots of sight seeing as usual today :)

We started at the Tower of London (old castle) which was good because when we were leaving it was getting quite busy. Got to see the Crown Jewels and the rest of the castle. Next we headed to the Tower Bridge (famous bridge in London). You get to go up in the bridge and walk the two walkways between the main posts. Made for some cool views although it was very cloudy all day. It's amazing to me how much we remember from the last time we were here - even though it was six years ago! Just the placement of things and remembering where places to eat are. We stopped for some lunch before heading to Globe Theater - a replica of the original Globe Theater where Shakespeare worked and wrote many of his plays. There are many plays going on that you can get tickets too. The tours were done for the day but we just walked through a museum. We next walked over Millennium bridge to St. Paul's Cathedral to take some pictures.

All of our legs were about to fall off so we took a canal cruise down the Thames. It was nice to sit and relax a bit. We took it to Greenwich....what is in Greenwich you ask?? Anyone? The Prime Meridian is located. The point in the world where the longitude is 0 degrees. It is also what the time is based off of - so we in MN are -5 hours from GMT... Greenwich Mean Time :) Cool huh! There is of course a line you can stand on and be in two time zones - the line to take a photo was super long so we didn't wait to get our photo taken. Took the canal cruise back to Westminster area and got some dinner before taking the Night Bus Tour. It was a tour of all the main sights in London but at night :) It was a hop on - hop of but we got off only once due to a screaming baby!

Great day! Saw lots! Ready for tomorrow :)

We are keeping track of our miles... I'm too tired to look at our phones to see our step count - at 5pm we had walked 19.2 km - we didn't walk much more than that. Lots of walking here!

Love you all!
The Corcoran Clan (aka C-Squared)

Tower of London. Can't take photos of the Crown Jewels though.
 Outside one of the exhibits at Tower of London.
 Tower Bridge!

 Millennium Bridge with St. Paul's Cathedral in the background.
 Prime Meridian Line.
Quick and funny story. As we were walking up the hill to this observatory/line - there was a guy telling his kids all about this line they are going to see and how you can pick what day you are in. You can either be in tomorrow or today. He obviously had no idea what the Prime Meridian was..... well we were laughing at him a little and we get to the top and he turns around - guess where he was from! Yep MN! He had a MN Twins baseball cap on... gotta love it.
 The line (well part of the line) to see the Prime Meridian Line.
Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. Big Ben is the name of the bell that rings inside the tower. Fun fact for you all :)

Buckingham Palace - we will be back here tomorrow to see more!

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