Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Day 4 - London

We survived our last day in London - we were all tired today and dragging a bit! The weather was about the same as yesterday - sunny in the morning and cloudy the rest of the day. It was around 70 degrees!

We actually split up this morning to do some different things. Erv and Eileen went to Westminster Abbey Church and the Winston Churchill Museum while Amber and Kevin went out to Wimbledon. Since we have been here before, we opted to see something new - Wimbledon! It was pretty cool :) Its about 40 minutes outside of the main part of the city. Got to see many courts specifically Court #1 and Center Court - very cool. Erv and Eileen also enjoyed their morning adventures and time spent at Starbucks waiting for us !

Next we had a Starbucks break - much needed here! We walked over to Buckingham Palace to see it during the day and all the people. We got some good pics! We next walked over to an arch and were able to look out from the top. At one point in time, it had great views. However, the trees have grown so high around the area there wasn't much to see! Next we went to Kensington Palace - where William and Kate live. Kevin and I remember that being one of the highlights in 2009... but today it was a flop. We are pretty sure they changed it all inside because its nothing like we remembered it being. We need to look at photos! There were some Princess Diana dresses in there and such but pretty boring otherwise. The grounds of Kensington Palace are gorgeous though :) 

After that, we headed back to the hotel for some dinner and to crash! We have an early morning as we leave for Milan at 7:40am. We have seen a lot here in London and enjoyed our time! 

Distance Traveled: 8.84 miles (gave your brains a break and left it in miles for ya)

Love you all!

 Good Morning Big Ben!

One of the courts at Wimbledon.
Another court.

 At the entrance of Wimbledon... it changes each year with the winners. It has not been changed yet for this years winners.

Wimbledon press room.
 Center court! The still have the score board up with the last match played there - championship game!
 Center Court

 Erv and Eileen at Westminster Abbey
Buckingham Palace!
 Buckingham Palace!
 Arch we went up into.
 Kensington Palace
 Kensington Palace
 Erv and the Queen at Kensington!

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