Friday, July 10, 2015

Day 9 - Hong Kong

We arrived in Hong Kong this morning/afternoon around 12:30pm. Took a train to Osaka to catch our flight. Everything went off just fine. The typhoon hit last night and missed most of Hong Kong, which was very good for us. It was about a 3 hour flight so not bad at all.

We landed and took a train into the city, like 10 minutes. Hong Kong is made up of islands and is relatively small, however there are 7.3 million people that live here - its insane.There are just condos everywhere here. Ill get some good photos of the city tomorrow :) We then went to see the Big Buddha statue, which I was super excited about! It was delayed/closed for a little bit due to high winds but we sat at a Starbucks for an hour or so and then went up. I did not complain!! You take gondolas up to the top of this mountain. The ride is about 30 minutes or so. Then there is a little village you walk through to get to Big Buddha! Luckily, because it was closed, there weren't that many people around. We read that this place can be insane with tourists on a busy day. To get to the top of Big Buddha there were 250 steps - it wasn't that bad as most of the stairs were in the shade. We walked around the base and climbed back down. After that we headed to our hotel to crash around 6pm.

Its hot here - Japan was nothing! The 'real feel' temp was 103 today! It was actually breezy up in the mountains by Big Buddha, so it wasn't super bad. We think tomorrow might be miserable doing a tour of the city where the temps are supposed to be in the 90's and the 'real feel' is 110 degrees. We all know how I handle being hot :) We have a tour tomorrow from 9-3pm of the city. Then going up to Victorias Peak to watch the sunset! Tomorrow is our last day before we head home!

Km walked: 16.3 km

Lots of photos of Big Buddha... its literally all we did today. And I loved him so much :)

 The Gondolas we rode in.
 View from above, see Big Buddha in the background.
 Little village you walked through to get to him. There was a Starbucks up there - go figure.
 Reminded us of home and a cool photo!
 Kevin at the base of Big Buddha before we climbed up.

This photo just does it justice. He was HUGE!

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