Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Day 6 - Tokyo

Good Morning!

We survived another day here in Japan! Another crazy busy day. We did an 8 hour walking tour of the city, different spots from yesterday. We were met in our lobby with a nice lady who spoke much better English than the man yesterday. She loved to talk and talk. Lots of great information but sometimes its okay to be silent for a few minutes :) She took us all over using their subway/train system - which is insane by the way! There are so many different lines and run by all different companies...I have attached a photo below. You can see why we were a little hesitant to go off on our own!

She took us all over to the top tourist spots. Not as rainy today which was nice! They are in love with shopping here - everything is shopping this and that. If we never have to go to a shopping center ever again, we would be just fine. Both tour guides took us to department stores to show off what they had. At first its cool but after the 15th one, it gets old. Today she took us to this food mart and had to explain everything. Must be their culture!

Ill let the photos explain themselves! We are leaving tomorrow morning bright and early to take a 2 hour train to Kyoto, Japan. We will do a walking tour of the city - only a 4 hour one - then head to Otsu. This is where my Grandpa Siegfried was stationed during WWII. Very excited for this :)

Miles Walked: 13.2 miles

 Largest fish market in the world - absolutely insane with fish. Tuna is very popular over here. It looked like an unorganized mess but they had a system down.
 Kind of a blurry photo but this is what the different vendors looked like.
 Right next door was the fruit and vegetable market.
 Some vendors outside the fish market area.
 Not sure what this is... forgot... looks cool though huh!
 This is a Buddhist Temple. If you can see the gate at the bottom of the photo, then  the aisle leading to the actual Temple. We walked down this and it was like souvenir shops and such. Then made our way to temple.
 Us outside the main gate.
 Souvenir shops area.
 A final gate before you get to the actual temple.
 Again, we had to purify ourselves before going in. It is a cool experience :)
 The Temple. You can get in behind the glass area to pray and such.
 One of the shopping districts we visited.

 Japanese Garden - it was their equivalent of a National Park. It was raining so made it very peaceful.
 Japanese Garden.
 Us in front of the Tokyo Tower. We went up in this after our tour. Its built to look like the Eiffel Tower except a little taller. There was controversy over the color choice - a lot of people do not like it.
 Views from Tokyo tower. The city goes on and on like this from very single view - it is such a big and spread out city.
 Temple with the Tokyo Tower in the back :)
Tokyo Train/Subway Map. Insane is the only word I can describe this as. Not only is this confusing, now add in the 37 million people using it all at once.

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